
NHWL By-Laws


This organization shall be known as the NORTHWEST HOCKEY LEAGUE, also referred to as the NWHL or the Corporation. This organization is a not-for-profit Corporation.


To provide the best environment possible in amateur hockey. 

·       The NWHL shall emphasize: 

·       The spirit of competition and fair play

·       The excellence of coaching and teaching the sport

·       A goal of providing the optimum medium to enhance the ability and attitude of

·       participants as individuals and team representatives

·       The providing and development of leadership

·       The fostering and promotion of the reputation of the league, sponsors, teams, and its players


Section 1 - 

Any organization, registered with Amateur Hockey Association of Illinois (AHAI) and USA Hockey may become a member of the NWHL. Every team within that organization that participates in NWHL must also be registered with AHAI and USA Hockey. 

No NWHL team is allowed to play teams not registered with AHAI and USA Hockey.

Organizations and teams have until their first game to become members of AHAI and USA Hockey. Signed and registered rosters must be turned into the League by the November meeting for the Fall/Winter season and by the May meeting for the Spring season.

Section 2 – Voting

Each participating organization that has qualified for membership in the NWHL shall be entitled to one vote per team on any and all matters which come before the Corporation at any meeting; it is further provided that each participating organization shall appoint a delegate, plus one alternate, to this Corporation, and that the organization delegate, or alternate in the event that the delegate is absent, shall be entitled to cast such vote(s). In the absences of the delegate or alternate, a board member from the organization may represent the club and vote at NWHL meetings.

Section 3 - Omission of Liability

No member organization shall be in any manner, individually or collectively, liable for any act or omission of

this Corporation, nor for any loss, damage or injury of whatsoever and or nature suffered by or occurring to any other member organization or to any other person, concern, or body.

Section 4 - Petitioning for Membership

A new organization must petition the Northwest Board for to become a member of the NWHL. The

petition must include documentation of an ice contract, organization charter by the State of Illinois, organizational by-laws, and, if applicable, rules and regulations.

Section 5 - Expulsion from NWHL

Upon due discussion, deliberation and a two-thirds majority vote, an organization may be expelled from the

NWHL for gross violation of Northwest By-Laws and/or Rules and Regulations.


Section 1 – Powers

The Board of Directors, hereafter referred to as the Board, or, Officers, shall have, and exercise all the usual powers of directors of a business and Corporation as well as the immediate government and direction of the property and affairs of the Corporation. The Board shall make all rules and regulations which they deem necessary for the government of the Corporation and for the due and orderly conduct of the By-Laws of the Corporation.

Section 2 - Organization Representatives

The number of organization representatives shall be the same as the number of member organizations

and shall be comprised of the delegates of the member organizations who have been duly appointed or elected as the representatives of the respective member organizations.

Section 3 – Meetings

The Board shall meet during the month of June each year for their Annual Meeting at which they shall elect officers for the ensuing year. Nominations for officers shall take place at the preceding May monthly meeting. Other meetings may be called by the President or the Organization Representatives in accordance with the notice requirements set forth hereafter. At all meetings of the Board, a quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of at least one-half of the existing Organization Representatives.

Business shall be transacted by a majority vote of all Organization Representatives present, provided a quorum is present. Any action so taken shall be deemed the action of the full Board. Roberts Rule of Order shall prevail at all meetings of the Board.

Section 4 – Notice

At least ten days notice shall be given all members of the Board of annual meetings, and at least five days notice shall be given of all other meetings of the Board. The last known address of a Board Member in the absence of written notice to the contrary shall be the address appearing in the current league directory. Emergency meetings may be called by the President, or two-thirds of the members of the Board with twenty-four (24) hour notice.

Section 5 – Compensation

No Organization Representative shall receive any salary or compensation for services as an Organization Representative unless otherwise especially approved by the Executive Board. Organization Representatives shall be reimbursed for verified expenses submitted to the Board.

Section 6 - Paid Services

The Board may employ staff or contract for services as it deems necessary. Duties, responsibilities, qualifications, considerations, and compensations shall be set by the Board. Paid staff may be requested to attend meetings and/or report to the Board; at such meetings he/she shall have voice but no vote in the proceedings which may come before the Board.

Section 7 – Financing

The operation and conduct of this Corporation shall be financed by regular membership fees and dues, voluntary contributing and incidental receipts. All membership fees and dues shall be on a team basis and in an amount payable as the Board from time to time shall determine. No team can begin NWHL play until membership fees and dues are paid in full.

Section 8 – Insurance

The Board shall cause liability or other insurance to be procured as deemed necessary or as required by law, and shall be paid on an annual basis in such amounts and to such firms as the Board may determine.


Section 1 – Annual Meeting

At the Board’s Annual Meeting, the delegates shall elect Officers. The Officers shall consist of: A President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Past-President shall automatically retain Board Member status. Potential Officers may be nominated from the following pool: Current or past delegates, current or past officers, respected individuals with a history of service to the NWHL. The President, with approval of the Board, shall appoint: a Chairman-Scheduling, a Chairman-Rules and Conduct, a Chairman-Standings, a Chairman-Tournament, and a Referee Supervisor. The Officers, appointed Chairman, and delegates shall be known as the Board of Directors of the NWHL. We need to decide if we want to go to staggered years for two board position elections or keep it the way it currently is.

Section 2 – President

The President, after having successfully completed his/her full term in office, shall serve one full and complete year as immediate Past-President of the Board, with all the rights, privileges, and duties pertaining thereto, providing that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent his election, succeeding himself, to additional terms as President. He shall also be designated as a member of the Board of Directors.

Section 3 - Treasurer

The Treasurer shall furnish a fidelity bond and liability insurance in such amount as the Board shall annually deem necessary, the cost thereof to be paid by the Corporation. Counter-signatures on all checks and savings withdrawals shall be required on any amount greater than a limit which shall be set annually by the Board. Checks and savings withdrawals must be signed by two officers.

Section 4 – Removal of Officer

An officer or delegate may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors pursuant to the quorum requirements previously set out herein, whenever in its judgment the best interest of the Corporation would be served thereby.

Section 5 – Vacancy

A vacancy in any office shall be elected by the Board of Directors, from recommendations by the President or nominations made by Organization Representatives for the unexpired portion of the term of such office.


Section 1 – General Duties

The duties of the officers shall be as their title implies and indicates, as required by law and these By-Laws, and as may be assigned to them respectively, from time to time, by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 2 – President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation, shall have the power to call meetings, shall exercise general direction over all affairs and activities of the Corporation, shall have the power to create necessary committees, and shall represent the NWHL at all AHAI functions. The President shall present an annual report to the Board and to the members reviewing the season ended and making such forecast for the season approaching as may be reasonable.

Section 3 – Vice-President

The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, exercise all the functions of the President except the power of appointment; in case the office of President shall become vacant by death, resignation, or otherwise, then such office shall devolve upon the Vice-President until such time as the Board shall elect a new President pursuant to Article III, Section 2. He shall be responsible for the proper registration set forth by the NWHL, chair the By-Laws Committee, and perform any other responsibilities as assigned by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 4 – Secretary

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings, attend to the giving of notices of the Corporation, be the custodian of all organization records in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois and the establishment of this Corporation. The minutes of all meetings shall be distributed to all directors as soon thereafter as possible.

Section 5 – Treasurer

The Treasurer shall have custody of, collect, and keep accounts of all money, funds and property of the Corporation and shall render such accounts and present such statements to Organization Representatives and the President as may be required. In addition, the Treasurer shall keep bank accounts on such funds and pay out money as the business of the Corporation may require.

A financial report shall be provide to the Board at each of its monthly meetings. Also, an annual financial report shall be presented at the Annual Meeting in April. The duties of the Secretary will be performed by the Treasurer in event of the Secretary’s absence. The Treasurer shall perform any other responsibilities as assigned by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 6 – Chairman-Scheduling

The Chairman-Scheduling shall be responsible for formulation and administration of league schedules. The Chairman-Scheduling shall perform any other responsibilities as assigned by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 7 – Chairman-Standings

The Chairman-Standings shall be responsible for keeping accurate standings for the NWHL. He will report all standings to all Organization Representatives on a timely basis. The Chairman-Standings shall perform any other responsibilities as assigned by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 8 – Chairman-Tournaments

The Chairman-Tournaments shall conduct tournaments as deemed appropriate by the Board. The Chairman-Tournaments shall perform any other responsibilities as assigned by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 9 – Chairman-Rules and Conduct

The Chairman-Rules and Conduct shall implement and enforce the rules of the NWHL. He will also investigate and report all inappropriate conduct of any member organization, delegate, coach, player or anyone else involved in the NWHL. The Chairman-Rules and Conduct shall perform any other responsibilities as assigned by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 10 – Past-President

The Past-President shall act in capacities as may from time to time be requested by the President and approved by the Board. In the event the Past-President shall be unable to fulfill his duties, the President will appoint a successor with approval of the Board. The Past-President, in the event he is not an Organization Delegate, will have one vote on all matters concerning the NWHL.


Section 1 – Conduct Committee

There shall be one committee known as the Conduct Committee to be chaired by the Chairman-Rules and Conduct. It shall be the duty of the Conduct Committee to hear and make all decisions on all matters of conduct and protest filed with the committee in accordance with these By-Laws and the rules and regulations of the Corporation.

Section 2 – By-Laws Committee

The By-Laws Committee shall be a standing committee. The By-Laws shall be reviewed on an annual basis, and modifications proposed or its accuracy reported at each Annual Meeting.

Section 3 – Tournament Committee

The Tournament Committee shall be a standing committee and shall be chaired by the Chairman-Tournaments.

Section 4 – Other Committees

Other Committees may be appointed by the President from time to time as they may become necessary. The representative from each organization shall actively participate on a committee for the NWHL.

Section 5 – The Chairman

The Chairman of each committee shall be appointed by the President and shall serve for one year, except as specified in Article V, Section 1, or as otherwise directed by the President.


Section 1 – Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year shall begin the first day of May and end on the thirtieth day of April. The Annual Meeting shall coincide with the ending of the fiscal year.


Section 1 – Proposed Amendments

Proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be read at a general meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, and may be voted upon at that time; provided however that fifteen days prior notice is give to all Organization Representatives.

Section 2 – Adoption

Adoption shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Organization Representatives present at a duly constituted meeting.

Section 3 – By-Laws Committee

A By-Laws Committee shall be a standing committee, and report at the Annual Meeting as detailed in Article VII, Section 2.

Revised: 6/28/01

Adopted: 8/23/01

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